Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Tuesday Top 10...Things to do with S'mores

Miss Mommy
This week I'm participating in Miss Mommy's Tuesday Top Ten!

It's no secret that I'm a Pinterest addict, and lately, it seems like every fifth pin is about S'mores! Not that I mind...
They remind me of lazy evenings by the campfire...I've eaten them every summer for as long as I can remember...and I love them, as I'm sure most of you do too!

In case you can't get enough, and want s'more ideas about how to enjoy the chocolatey graham goodness, here's the top ten ways I have found to enjoy s'mores!

1. In a cupcake. Combining the best of two worlds!

Source: google.com via Jackie on Pinterest

2. In a bar...for more sophisticated events?

3. With marshmallow peeps, duh! How cute are these? Although, I kind of do feel bad for the poor little peeps sitting under the broiler like that. Poor Peeps.

4. On a stick. I have to admit, I'm getting a little tired of everything being on. a. stick. But whatever, it's still super cute!

5. Speaking of sophisticated, why not have a s'more bar at your next party? Think of your 10 closest friends...now imagine them all on an insane sugar high. Go have a s'more party :)

6. As a gift. I really love this idea...and can't think of anyone who wouldn't like to receive it as a gift!

7. Just make your whole family into a giant s'more. Why not?

8. On popcorn....can I pretend it's weight watchers friendly? Cause it looks like heaven!

9. This photo has it all...ice cream, s'mores, and yes. The stick. Always a stick.

10. As a mini dessert. You can serve these for dessert at the s'more party I mentioned earlier and send your guests into a sugar coma...*snicker*

There you have it! Ten awesome things to do with s'mores....from cheesy to sophisticated, one conveniently placed s'more joke, and I'm off to go make a stovetop s'more to satisfy this sudden craving I just got.


  1. Hey Jade! Awesome post...you make me want to do a midnight grocery store run so I can make some smores right now!

  2. Oh my!. I'm craving some chocolate now!. Great post!. Thanks so much for linking up and all your support :) xx

  3. My stomach is literally begging for s'mores now...I really don't think I eat them often enough. I should def work on that! Love the gift idea too! I'm a new follower too :)

  4. Hey Jade! These all look great. I think I love smore's and pinterest just as much as you do! Your daughters are precious.

  5. Great blog!! I love the smore idea =)

  6. Thanks ladies! I totally didn't mean to wreck any diets anyone MAY have been on, lol

  7. Umm Yum, I want to make them ALL!
    P.S. Thanks For stopiing by my page, I love new Bloggy Friends

  8. My jaw fell to the floor when I saw your blog! Oh my chocolately goodness! I will be back later to find the recipes for each and every one of these!

    New follower from Wednesday's blog hop! gotomommy.blogspot.com


Your comments make me smile :)


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