Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Coffee Confessional

One of my new favorite bloggers gave me this idea, and I invite you to join me! Grab yourself a cup o joe, plop down on the couch, and just let it all out....your dirty little secrets for the week :)

Ok, I'll go first:

1. I fell off the wagon with Weight Watchers this week. Hard. Like, I went out with my sister on Tuesday and ate more than a sumo wrestler at the awesome new restaurant in town. It was all downhill after that! My vice is night noshing. But whatever. It's Sunday...a whole new week, and a whole new Jade getting back on the wagon!

2. My husband left for work for a whole week again on Wenesday. I miss him like crazy when he's gone, but I do have to admit...the first night that he leaves, I jump into bed like a giddy little girl and pile all the pillows up, and take up as much of the bed as I possibly can. All with the "Pudding Face" look on my face!

3. I love Pinterest, and am an addict...but that's not the confession. The confession is that there are lots of cartoons on there that I find funny, but there are very very few friends that I would tell about them. Mostly because they contain certain words that start with "f" or "b". The worst part is that I think they are funny because I would love to say them to certain people sometimes. Hehe.

4. Myka is "pottytraining". But, there are days when it's particularly difficult, and I have been known to just give up and put her in a diaper for the rest of the day. I know this is a "two steps back" approach, but in the grand scheme of things, I think it's better than me tearing my hair out by the roots. Can I get some validation on that, mamas? :)

5. And finally, this week I have learned that when Danica wakes up, I can tell Myka to go play with her and get about 10 more minutes of sleep. She crawls in the crib, and I can hear them laugh and giggle while I sloooowly come to consciousness and peel my eyes open. Inevitably, it has ended each time with Myka coming into my room announcing "I pooped!" So then I get to start my day by changing a poopy diaper. Ya take what you can get.

Stay sane and have a great week, mamas!

Link up your confessions by clicking the button at the top of the post!


  1. Thanks for linking up.

    I love it!!!

    And when we were potty training... there were several times I gave up for the day! You're not a lone!!!


  2. Yes- about the potty training. I would pick them up from daycare and the teachers would be like, "They both peed in their panties/underware are you doing at home?" And i think uhhhhh....staying alive??

  3. haha love it ... and the potty train thing ... i to am a member of the giving up for the day on potting training club!

  4. oh phewf, I'm not the only one! LOL. I really can't wait until she's potty's so exhausting!

  5. Potty training really takes a lot of patience. My toddler doesn't wear diapers anymore but there are still accidents from time to time. Visiting from the weekend bloghop!

    The Twerp and I


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