Sunday, August 27, 2006

Do you want to hear a funny story....some of my punctuation is missing cause our computer is being a bum....
Last week Jael came to visit for a couple of days and we decided to make tacos for supper one night. Addison promptly volunteered to help her aunt grate the cheese...well, it wasnt long before we found out what her definition of help was!!!

Look Ma...No Hands!

She was so proud of her little feat that wee had to laugh...but we will be careful in the future how close we set the cheese to her:)


  1. Look how cute we are together! I love her, and you too Jade! Give her a kiss for me and tell her auntie will be back there soon!


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Yay - new pictures!:) I love you Jade and can't wait to get that phone call about the arrival of your new little one! Take it easy till then, if that's possible. Ciao!

  4. Jade! Wow, the time is near!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I pray you don't have to wait 10 days like me!! Love you & Hope to hear from ya soon!

  5. what a funny cutie! she's growing sooo fast- really hope to see her soon!!! hope you're getting some rest jade- i'm sure your house is cleaner than clean! gotta love nesting:)


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