Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Is It Time?

Well MIGHT be the day we get a new addition to our family. My labour with Addison was so cut and dry, I knew it was labour right from the start. This baby however, is keeping me guessing a little bit. It all started last night around 8 when I had a "sign" that labour might start. So, I put my mom and Daniel on alert to let them know that we may be going in the middle of the night. Hours past...the contractions didn't really get it's 7:45am and I'm blogging and still waiting for these pains to turn into real contractions. Who knows? I guess it could be anytime...I'm really gettting anxious to meet the new Mr. or Miss. Steckly though:) As soon as I can after I have the baby in my arms I'll let everyone know....but for now, you can just wait with me......:)


  1. nice ranting jade!:) hopefully in no time we'll see a post of your beautiful new baby! until then i pray for patience and as much comfort as possible at this time. call me ANYTIME! i love ya!

  2. Hi Jade!
    Just wanted to say hi and don't get too discouraged if it doesn't turn into anything for a little bit still. Soon enough you're going to to have two kids to look after so enjoy this last little bit of alone time with Addison before the newest little Steckly comes. Love ya babe!

  3. hey jader,
    Your bro said you went into the hospital?? what have you had now... I love you and I will write again

  4. WHAT!
    you've gone to the hospital!?!?! where was the call my beautiful jadeness?? i'm praying 4 u right now!!! hope all is going well- love ya to pieces!

  5. Is there a baby or isn't there? What's funny is that we leave all these wonderful comments for Jade, but she's not checking em!!! Anyways, Jade, when you do read this, I love you, I'm excited for you, and I hope it goes amazing!! Love you!!!


Your comments make me smile :)


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