Lose weight
Buy a gym membership and use it all year
Manage my time better
Manage my finances better
Write in my diary every day
Don't drink pop for a whole year
Stop smoking
Do one thing different every day
Learn something new
Do any of these sound familiar? Some people do great with them, but for many people, these are, as my sister in law Jodi would say...resolutions that go in one year and out the other.
I've been a victim of the resolution that lasted until January 10th...or 2nd :)
Yesterday I read a blog post from a friend, and it made me look at resolutions differently; in a way that seems actually doable!
Bri from mod memento is my blogger friend who inspired me! The idea of it is that instead of picking a resolution like the ones listed above, choose a word...one simple word, to be your theme for the year! Keeping your word as your intention can really change the way you do things. If this word is on your mind, you may find yourself making small decisions to keep on course with it. As Bri says in her post (paraphrased), it is a theme that allows other goals to fall in line with it!
You can find a list of words here if you are having trouble thinking of one.
The word I've chosen to be my theme for the year is:

I have always thought of myself as a gentle person, but over the past few years, that trait has really been put to the test. Along with patience, but I'll just roll that one right into the gentleness.
Due to circumstances in my life, along with the regular wear and tear of raising a young family, I have found out that I have some qualities that are less than desirable..including cynicism, sarcasm, impatience, harsh words, and a temper. Unfortunately, it's usually my girls or the dogs that are on the receiving end of it all.
I know it's "normal" to get frustrated with your kids and snap at them occasionally, but in my life, it's happening way more than I'm comfortable with, and I don't like that about myself.
A couple of months ago I was watching "19 Kids and Counting". It was a QandA episode with Mr. and Mrs. Duggar, and one of the questions was "do you ever lose your temper with your kids?" Their answer hit my core. I'm totally paraphrasing, but it went something like this:
Sure we get frustrated, but we feel that there is no reason to handle that emotion with anger as a response. We feel that you can bring your kids to church every time the doors are open to help them build good relationships and character, but every time you react to them in anger, you do more damage than you realize to your relationship.
So this year, I will strive to make decisions that focus around gentleness. I will be looking to God for lots of help, since he is the epitome of gentle! Also, because it is a direct instruction from Him :D
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. -Ephesians 4:2
What is YOUR word for 2012?
do you seriousley smoke?
ReplyDeletehaha, no I don't! Those are just common resolutions that I've heard :)
ReplyDeleteI'm still thinking about my word, I'll post about it soon! I think I have one in mind. I love your word. Oh couldn't I use some growing in that area, let me tell you! I totally get you on the "chattering," and LOVE the inspiration of the Duggars words. So much truth in that!!! Okay, I'm going to go give my three sweet b's a hug now. I'm following along now and am so excited to be your newest bloggy friend!
ReplyDeleteXO, Aimee
PS Have a good rest of the week!
beautiful jade! you've got me inspired...
ReplyDeleteI really like this idea, the list you linked to is quite helpful for focusing the mind, but I'm still failing to pick one. But I think I will. Thanks for sharing