Sunday, September 04, 2011

Chunky Monkey

I love her chubby cheeks, her chubby arms and her chubby legs...she's by far the chubbiest 7 month old we've had :) I love you Chunky Monkey! (I promise I'll stop calling you that before it goes from "cute" to "insult").


  1. Oh! how sweet they are at this age!
    (all ages, though) I am starting to sound like my mom when she was telling me that I look good in every outfit :)I do the same with my daughter...well she does.:))
    well, the mothers!

  2. PS here from EBT :))
    Lovely blog!

  3. Haha, my mom used to call me a "Cutiepotamus" when I was a baby because I was so chubby. I was a little bit mortified when I found out at a grade-schooler, but at least she stopped calling me that before I could remember her calling me that!

  4. Hi, Lara from simple-homemaking. Sorry it has taken me so long to come check out your blog. Life has been a little hectic. Love the Chunky Monkey post, I used to have one of those a few years back! Love it!



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