Friday, September 09, 2011

Productive Day at the Steckly House

Today was what I like to call productive. And my husband is sooo getting a hero cookie for all he finished around the house :)

He installed our new pellet stove. I am super excited about it for a few reasons:
1. Our propane bill will be almost nothing
2. If Daniel is working long hours this winter, I know I can be in a warm house with the kids with no worries of the propane running out or freezing
3. It's so pretty, I love the smell of the wood and the feel of wood heat :)

He (almost) installed my dishwasher! My fb friends may remember me posting a status about a year ago about being excited for my new dishwasher. It spent the year in the addition :( Today, Daniel put it in! It's not totally hooked up quite yet, but once he gets home from town, it will be :D
And this is what I did! 1 gallon of carrots, and half a gallon of beans...all pickled and ready for after school snacking!
The only side effect is the vinegar headache.

How did we get all this done with the littlest two of our four kids around? Cheerios. They rock.

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