Saturday, July 07, 2012

Saturday Night Ramble?

Want to know what's on my mind tonight? Just a few random thoughts.....

1. Pet Peeves. I have more than a few of them, and two of them happened today. Before 9 am. The first....the "kid cupboard" know, the spot in your cupboard where you keep all of the plastic bowls, plates and sippy cups? I hate when I'm reaching in for one, and the dishes think I was actually trying to play a game of dominoes. Then I get to play "pick up" too!
The second...the sound of small things falling on the floor. Cheerios, small beads, goldfish crackers...they all make me cringe; mostly because I know I most likely have a huge mess to clean up!
I suppose if I wanted to add a third, it would be Danica's fun new regimen of waking up at 6 am ready to play! Did she NOT get the memo that everyone is supposed to sleep in on summer break?

2. It turns out, Danica's febrile seizure earlier in the week was the tip of the iceberg when it came to health issues in our family. Three days and three doctor visits later, everyone except Myka and Tegan were put on antibiotics. The bug that caused her ear infection and subsequently the fever and seizure that went along with it, also caused an ear infection in Addison, strep throat in Daniel, and a chest/nose infection in me. We have spent the entire week house bound and mostly in our jammies. I'm so glad we don't get sick more than a couple times a year because it sucks! Thankfully, everyone is on the mend now, except me. The drugs just don't seem to be kicking this thing!
Anyway, I said all of that to say this: because of the infection, I have spent an entire week not being able to smell or taste ANYTHING. I'm serious. Not a thing. Today, I could finally tell if a food was sweet or salty, but still couldn't make out the flavour...and my nose still doesn't work at all. It kind of feels like a "trapped in my own body" kind of thing, as weird as that sounds. I don't think i've ever gone this long without a sense of smell or taste before!
The upside? I've lost almost 8 pounds. It's not the way I wanted to lose it....I would prefer running every night and actually being able to taste the food I'm eating, but whatever. I am learning however, to be very sensitive to my body's signals with the difference between hunger and boredom. I have learned that my body doesn't need nearly as much food as I normally convince myself that it does. I think this skill could come in handy later if I choose to listen to it! It's crazy how much faster I stop eating a meal because i can't enjoy the flavour of it! And snacking? What's the point? My tummy's not rumbling and it all tastes like water anyway, so I may as well just have a glass of water!
So there ya go...Jade's super deep healthy lifestyle advice for the day :D

3. And the last thing on my mind? Funny quotes from Friends, of course! Allow me to share:

Source: via Jeannette on Pinterest
Source: via C on Pinterest

You're welcome :) Enjoy the rest of your Saturday night!

1 comment:

  1. Dropping by from VWB! :)
    I LOVE that Friends quote about tanning at the sun...that episode is ALMOST as good as the teeth whitening one! :)


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