Wednesday, July 11, 2012

She's Three.

Two days ago I received my order from in the mail. I hadn't printed off any pictures of the girls since Myka was 4 months old, so I thought it was probably time to catch up :) 
As I was leafing through the photos, I was struck by just how fast Myka's "babyhood" went by! I mean, I know that it's always said that their childhoods "fly by", but with her, it's especially true for me. 
The day before her birth, we looked at this house with the realtor, and loved it. A week after her birth we bought it, and over the next couple of years, with moving, renovating, and Danica being born, the moments flew by! 
Now here she is...three whole years old! With curly, crazy hair that matches her personality perfectly, and more mood swings than...well you know :) I'm totally jealous of her hair, by the way!

I thought it would be fun to record her doing a birthday interview, and she was more than happy to oblige!


  1. cute, cute, cute!!!

  2. What a sweetie!! They grow up so fast.

  3. Very cute :). Also, I love your blog design. So pretty and inviting.

    1. Thanks Jill! It took so long to settle on a design that I loved...but I think this one will be here for awhile!!

  4. That video was adorable! What a cutie!


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