Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Source: via Colby on Pinterest

It has been a wonderful summer at the Steckly house so far!! We've had two birthdays, along with birthday CAKE :) And, the weather has been awesome! Sure, we had a nasty sickness make it's way through our house, but we are all better now and enjoying these wonderful days!

This week I am thankful for:

1. Long, lazy summer days at Rotary lake with our girls

2. Watermelon

3. 3 Days accident free for Myka...even at night! Could this be the start of something permanent?

4. My cold is almost gone and I can taste food again!

5. We rent out our hay land to our neighbours to bale for their cows...this week they are baling it and I'm so thankful that they have been able to get it mostly done with no rain!

6. That my birthday cake for Myka was not another "jade cake wreck" :)

7. That Myka's low-key birthday party went well...those are my favourite birthday parties, where we just have a couple of people for dessert :)

8. That my new shipment of fabric arrived yesterday :)

9. That our schedule is clear enough lately that I can spend days at home with the girls just catching up on stuff that needs to be done.

10.  Good friends that share picnics :)

11. That I am well enough to start running again! The sickness did set me back quite a bit, but I will hopefully get back up to speed within the week.

12. That the sun doesn't set until like, 11pm. I can do all of my gardening in the evening!

13. For all the time I got to spend with my mom this week!

14. For a mom who spoils me with pizza so I don't have to cook supper :)

15. That my daughters listen well while we are at Rotary Lake. If they were running all over and not listening I would: a) be mad, and b) be scared that they were going to just run into the lake and drown. Thankfully though, they stick close :)

16. That the canvas photo that I ordered of the girls came, and is SO gorgeous!

17. The little pool that Daniel set up for the girls outside. It's big enough that they can all fit and stay cool on these hot hot days!

18. My super amazing husband who bought us an air conditioner! I know I know...we live in the freezing north and should be able to handle a few hot days, and even be thankful for them. I AM thankful for them, but for the time being, we live in a trailer that heats up like an oven at the slightest hint of sun on a hot, even if it's only used for 2 weeks out of the year, it is very welcome relief :)

19. Line dried clothes!

20. The extra help that I've had since Dakota moved in. Love ya sis!!

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