Thursday, July 05, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Well, we've started the summer off with a bang! Our family has managed to stay healthy since before Christmas, and the first week of summer, we are house bound with  a cold that is kicking all of our butts :(
There is still much to be thankful for, even in this situation...

This week, I'm thankful:

1. That we've been able to spend a few days at home as a family, not really doing much :)

2. That Daniel has this week off of work...It's crappy to be sick on your days off, but I think it worked out for the best

3. That it didn't rain every day this week like the forecast originally called for!

4. That my tomatoes are actually growing! Last time I tried tomatoes, I didn't even get green ones until the end of August!

5. That my flowers are growing too! I can't believe that I, the garden grim reaper, am actually making things grow this year :D

6. That Addison's birthday party went so well...thank you so much to everyone who helped!

7. For all the help my sister has been lately. She's living with us for the summer, and is definitely earning her we have a lot of fun together!!

8. That Rotary Lake is open still :) I know it may not always be there, but for now, we are enjoying every day that we are able to go lay in the grass and enjoy the water.

9. For the awesome BBQ that my mom got us! We have been loving using it...THANK YOU thank you mom!!

10. Fresh BC fruit!

11. For my friends who have had babies lately :)

12. Antibiotics. I have a love/hate relationship with them, and try not to give them to my family if I can help it, but for this particular cold that has kicked our butts, they are providing welcome relief.

13. A doctor that suggests natural treatments first, and also agrees with our decision not to vaccinate. It's so rare to find an MD like that these days!

14. For our small trailer. It's squishy and cozy, and gets messy easy....BUT it's also pretty quick to clean!

15. For the awesome lawnmower Daniel bought last year. It's not a ride-on, so I still get exercise, but it's also a pretty tough little 4x4 mower that does the job well!

16. How I Met Your Mother :) Dakota and I started watching it...and it's pretty entertaining! Such a nice break after the kids go to bed.

17.  The Lemon app on my iPhone...pretty soon I'm going to dedicate an entire blog post to it, because it's THAT awesome.

18. Slipcovers on my couches!

19.  Naptime :)

20. That we don't have to travel for at least a couple more weeks...I kind of like just hanging out close to home :)

Have a great week everyone!


  1. I love that you're so thankful for so much! It's a breath of fresh air, seems like most people are negative first! I'm about to scour your blog now that I've seen that you don't vaccinate to see if you've written anything else about it! I am about to have my baby and have been reading any and every thing I can about that subject! So glad I came across your blog!

    1. haha, well I haven't written anything else about it because I have wanted to avoid controversy on the blog. However, I do have a large post in the works for it, however :) Iif you want to chat about it, you can feel free to email me at!

  2. My boyfriend loves How I Met Your Mother. I haven't fully gotten into the series yet, but it doesn't bother me. I love The Big Bang Theory which I didn't want to get into at first, but now I adore it! It's wonderful that you have so much to be thankful for and are thankful for it. I think a lot of times we take life for granted. It's nice to smell the roses sometimes. :)

    Thanks for finding and following my blog! I'm your newest follower. Have a happy weekend!

    Jess @ The Delightful Crafter

  3. hey jade - so glad i came across your cute blog!
    here from the vintage wannabee hop and excited to be your newest follower!
    ps. drop by and say hi at

  4. Hi! This is my first time linking up here! Thanks for the opportunity. Sorry you have been sick. Hope you'll all be feeling better soon. We don't vaccinate either. Most doctors don't understand, but leave us alone about it!


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