Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Hi, this is Addison and I'm writing to complain about my mom. I had a great sleep the other night...nice dreams and everything, and the second I wake up, what does she do? Snap a picture! I mean, she hasn't taken any pictures in who knows how long, and then when I least expect it, she pulls out the camera. Oh well, I guess I look pretty cute in the picture anyway...even though my hair wasn't done or ANYthing. but aren't pics like this supposed to be saved for my wedding day, not pasted all over the net so I can be teased my whole life? Sheesh.


  1. Those are some really cute pictures Jade. I miss you and love you lots!

  2. Addison, this is Aidan. I know we've never met, but our moms seem to be acting the same with that camera. My mom is also sticking it in my face all the time, although she's never taken a picture of me right after I woke up. Hopefully she doesn't get any ideas!
    Merry Christmas, Aidan Latham

  3. Jade, your girls are ADORABLE! I love the frown in the other picture. Hope you have a Merry Christmas! Alison

  4. Jade,
    Great pics!!! Love em!! I can't believe how big Tegan is already!!! Wow!!! Oakley is a monster already too!!! I hope your Christmas is amazing!!


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