Saturday, June 30, 2012

She's 7.

I'm feeling pretty BLAH tonight, and would like to just go to bed, but wanted to share some of Addison's birthday party pictures for those who wanted to see them!
I'm feeling that way for a reason. Yesterday, starting at three pm, my house was graced with 8 extra children who partied until the wee hours of the morning...then woke up at 7 :) It was worth it though! Everyone had such a great time and I loved watching Addison enjoy her party!
It was my first ever "theme" party, and the theme was ice cream! It was lots of fun to plan, and although I know I could have done more in the way of decorating and such, I'm happy with how it turned out :)

So, here's some photos, complete with captions!

The  banner!
I had so much to do, that I outsourced the cake pops to my wonderfully talented neighbour. Ice cream cake pops!

It turned out so blurry, but I managed to snap a pic of her blowing out the candles!!

"fruit" for the ice-cream sundaes, teehee! There was strawberries, blueberries and bananas as well :)

I had fun choosing all of the toppings, and the kids loved creating their sundaes!

The birthday girl enjoying her cake pop :)

Everyone showing off their unique creations!

My favourite part..the ice-cream cone piñata. I couldn't have pulled this one off without help!

hours of work demolished in 10 seconds flat!


  1. Looks like you had sooo much fun!!!!! Great birthday Jade!!!! as always you are super awesome and super creative!!!! Way to go super mama. Rock star as per usual ;)

    Love Jenn

  2. I love the ice cream cake pops! They look lovely & very yummie :D
    Love, Miek

    Oh, and congratulations!

    1. Thank you! I was so happy with how the pops turned out :)

  3. LOVE it! I'll definitely have to do an ice cream themed party for Ruby at some point... such a cool idea!
    Happy to hear she LOVED her party! ♥

    1. I had so much fun planning it :) I do with I would have taken a few more photos of it all, but I guess I was just too busy enjoying it! LOL

  4. What a FUN party!! Addison and friends clearly had a great time. High five -MOM!

  5. That is a fab party theme. I'd quite like to go to an icecream party myself. And it looks like they all had a fantastic time. So well done you of all that organising. X

    1. There are two things for the party that didn't come in the mail in time :( The spoons, and the ice cream scented body sprays that the girls were going to get as favours. They will probably be in the mail today! LOL


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