Sunday, July 01, 2012

Our Low Key Canada Day

Daniel and I made a joint decision to not take the kids to the Canada day parade or BBQ. We are still a patriotic Canadian family, but we've had a bit of a crazy weekend and just wanted today to be low key.

So instead, we packed the girls up and spent the afternoon at Rotary Lake....5 hours to be exact :) Addison was so excited to try out the inflatable floaty Orca Whale that she got for her birthday!

As I was preparing the pictures for this post I noticed a trend...lots of Danica, none of Addison. I feel bad for that, but in my defense, Addison spent no time with me at all..there was too much to do! Danica however, was at my side most of the day :) 
So, even though I didn't get pictures of everyone, I did get a few cool shots that I thought I would share!

Myka spent a good part of the afternoon playing in the sand

The beach bag makes a great reclining seat when you're pooped from playing and just want a cookie!

My neighbour brought us homemade candy apples yesterday! I thought they made a great picnic dessert, and they were delicious!!

Her tentative steps towards the water were so cute! She loved splashing around :)

Tegan snuggled in her froggy blanket almost all day :)

Note to self: Next time, bring an air pump. Sorry lungs.

Happy Canada Day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time! Happy belated Canada Day to you too!


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