Friday, June 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday...Saved Until Friday Morning. Oops.

I can't believe I have missed TWO Thankful Thursdays! I am so sorry.
Tonight we start fresh :)

This week i'm thankful:

1. Being able to watch my girls finish another year of school this morning...I'm so proud of them!
2. My sister's tree planter friends came to stay this weekend, and it was so fun! When they left, they picked me flowers and wrote a note that made me tear up :)
3. That Dakota has been such a big help for the last few weeks while she hasn't had a job. From watching the girls in the van while I do errands to taking care of them for 4 full days while Daniel and I went to Mexico, she has been amazing!
4. That Daniel and I could go to Mexico! It's something we've been wanting to do for so long, and it was SO worth the wait!
5. That summer break officially started today! I hope the girls get the memo and sleep in tomorrow :D
6. That my tomatoes are growing. It may not seem like a big deal, but I'm kind of the "Grim Reaper" of gardening, if you know what I mean!
7. Speaking of tomatoes, all of my other veggies are growing too! Maybe this year we'll have enough for a few meals :D
8. That the tree planters who came to visit Dakota helped me make Addison's piñata...without them, it would not have gotten finished. Paper Mache is hard to do on a balloon by yourself!
9. Myka and Danica still fight lots, but are starting to get along more often, yay! Also, Danica is a parrot and copies EVERYTHING Myka does...sometimes it's cute, other times I just have to shake my head LOL
10. That I am all caught up on laundry after our trip!
11. For MY MOM who gave us a BBQ this week! We are so excited to finally have a bbq again...I think I'll just cook on that all summer :D
12. That God is helping me develop a higher patience level for the frequent screaming outbursts Danica  has started...aaah!
13. Spending hours every day outside in the sun with my girls :)
14. That Daniel has been doing dirt work at the house this week...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for moving into the house! I can't wait :D
15. My slow cooker!
16. For soccer...the girls loved it and will definitely play again, and the schedule is awesome. I love that it's done for the summer at the same time school is so we don't have to worry about sticking close to home for it :D
17. For the girls' school.. I am so SO thankful that they can be part of such a wonderful school where everyone cares so much and the teachers are great!
18. My scents bars :) They help my house smell less like old trailer, and I love them. Especially the new watermelon one I got!
19. That the kids haven't asked to play video games or even watch a movie in weeks! I think they've watched one or MAYBE two movies a week and that is ALL the tv they have been watching. I don't care to wean them to NO tv or anything, but it's just nice that I don't have to tell them to get off there butts and go outside LOL
20. That 7 years ago today God saw fit that I become a mom! He blessed us with the tiniest, blondest little baby girl, and our lives haven't been the same since!

Have a great week everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. tomatoes! yay! you've worked so hard to get some tomatoes...congrats!
    i love reading your list of thankfulness...God is so good!


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