Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summers at Grandma's House

On Friday, I met Daniel's sister halfway between our homes (a 5 hour drive!), to drop the three older girls off with her. She took them to his parents place where, from what I can tell, they are having a great time!!
With days filled with VBS, parades, and drag races, how could you NOT have fun?! The girls are so blessed to have grandparents that enjoy spending time with them :)

Meanwhile, Danica, Mommy and Daddy are having a pretty good time too. We have gone into full gear mode working on our house...we might actually be in it soon!! Yay! Danica's been great, just playing with her toys and chattering with us while we work. It's kind of cool to see what her personality is like when the other girls aren't around. She's a pretty "chill" little girl, and we are really enjoying are time with her!

This is Myka's first week without mom at Grandma's house. I think she's doing ok, don't you? LOL


  1. As a grandma, there is nothing I look forward more than time with my kids and grandkids.

  2. can i just say that i LOVE coming to your blog?! i always feel immediately happy :)

    1. Thank you Michelle! That really means a lot to me :D


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