Thursday, April 02, 2009

Five Things...

I've been thinking about my pregnancy tonight, as "Daisy" is rolling around inside me and keeping me awake :) and here is what I've come up with:

Least Favorite:
1. The 21 weeks of excruciating nauseau!! By far, the worst physical thing I have ever gone through...3-5 times a day throwing up, and two trips to the er for rehydration...from which I discovered that I almost have a panic attack when I'm hooked up to an IV!! Sheesh.
2. The separating pelvis. OWIE!!!! is all I can say about that. It's better to have than the sickness, but oh my goodness, I am looking forward to the minute my baby is born and my pelvis returns to normal!
3. The occasional bursts of rage that well up inside me :)
4. The tired tummy muscles
5. The "it only gets worse" and "my, you're going to be busy!" comments. I know that I'll be busy, I already have TWO of them!! hahaha

Most Favorite:
1. My body. I love how I look when I'm pregnant...and the fact that I am Never worried about sucking in my gut!! Although the love handles and double chin could go anytime and I wouldn't miss them :)
2. As much as I hate those occasional bursts of rage, I do like the fact that I am more open with my opinion, and it is easier to "say the hard things" when I know I need to anyway!
3. Feeling my baby move around inside me, and knowing that she is one hundred percent safe, protected, and innocent....and being formed perfectly by God. I loved watching how content she looked on the 3D ultrasound!
4. Seeing how excited Addison and Tegan are to meet their little sister and help take care of her!
5. Knowing that God has blessed us so much with this baby, and the gift of being able to raise her and love her, and be blessed by her amazingness as she grows! I'm so excited to have her be a part of our family!


  1. Thanks Jade for sharing those. Although, I have heard the pelvis thing happens on baby 3 but won't happen again cause it never really goes back. Sorry, again. I don't know from experience.

  2. oh the ups and downs of pregnancy! thanks for the prego pic jade!


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