Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday...From the Depths of My Heart

This song has been stuck in my head all week...I just knew I had to use it for Thankful Thursday this week! The line that kept popping into my head was : "All I have needed, thy hand hath provided".
Yes he has. It's so easy to get caught up longing after the things I want, like a Dyson, new van, or new wardrobe, and think that I NEED these things. But I don't. I have everything I need...our family has everything we need!!

This week, I am thankful:

1. That Daniel and I had the honour of celebrating 9 years of marriage today. We have worked hard, loved each other, and made choices that weren't always the easiest or most comfortable, but here we are, and God has blessed us tremendously!

2. That God has so much patience with me when it's taking me a long time to learn something I need to patience. Maybe he's doing that for a reason? LOL

3. Wow, I'm finding it hard to keep going here....I just keep thinking about the different things I'm thankful for in our marriage....

We have had so many happy times in the 9 years we've been married; so many;

The birth of each of our daughters being one of the most exciting :D

Daniel and I are both "oldest children", and I think because of that we tend to clash in some ways. However, it can also be said that no one knows me like he does to know what makes me smile. I am so thankful to have a husband that I can joke with, laugh with, or just sit in silence with, and be ok. We have gotten to know each other so well that sometimes we'll just make eye contact in a situation, and one of us will say, "I know", as in "I totally know what you were just thinking!" It's so awesome.

In the midst of the happy times, there have been hard times. One in particular, where we were separated for a few months and had no idea if the other would choose to continue the marriage or not. It was a terrible painful, and maybe I'll get into it another day, but not yet. Tonight all I can think about is how deeply thankful l I am that we both chose to keep going. I can barely express it in words. There were so many choices made, so many words said, and so many prayers lifted up to come to that decision, but 4 years after the storm, I humbly bow in thanks that God provided the strength to get through it.
Since then, each anniversary we have celebrated has meant just a little bit more than it used to.

So, thank you Daniel, my love, for being my husband, and for being an amazing one at that! I appreciate you and respect you more than you know. I look forward to anniversary number 70!

And God, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for providing everything we have needed, and for having mercy on us when our humanness overshadows our marriage. Thank you for providing the perfect guide and example as to how you intended marriage to work, and thank you for reminding us in small, doable ways how we can be more like you to each other.

We are so blessed.


  1. Just found your blog from the GFC hop! I love that hymn and my church usually sings that particular song once a month at the very least. An oldie but goody!

    Love & Whimsy

  2. What a great post! This hymn is so good. I sing it to my daughter! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours by the way! Hope to link up sometime!


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