Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday Chatter

It's Wednesday today, and I can't believe how fast the week has gone! It's been a good, full week so far, although as always, it seems like there's never enough time to get it all done!

I've been hoping for rain for a awhile garden and lawn really need it! I've been watering the garden out of the dugout, but it's drying up quick and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to do that!
Well, last night, we finally got our rain :) It was short and sweet, but very nice all the same.

It came with a downside Myka getting up screaming at 3:30 because of the thunder. I slept with her on the couch until it passed and put her back in her bed :) Of course by then I was wide awake and didn't sleep another wink all night *sigh*
Speaking of Myka, she has perfected a new art: combining those huge deep chocolate eyes of hers with the sad puppy look, and a "come on mom!" when she wants something. I've managed to stay strong, but I think of Puss in Boots every time! LOL
Despite the lack of sleep, I was more than ready to enjoy a cooler day. I've made a batch of cookies, have chicken corn chowder on the stove, and am going to start buns soon. I love summer so much, but an occasional day to bake and stay inside is nice :)

This morning, we also worked on our house a bit. Daniel and I have a goal of when we'd like to be in the house. It's doable, but it means lots of work for the rest of the summer! As things come together slowly, I get more and more excited to be in there! In 9 years of marriage we've never lived in an actual house, so it's going to be a welcome change!!

Well, I have a load of laundry sitting here waiting to be folded...I suppose I should get to that!

And since my blog post was a tad....colourless, here's some funny stuff to make you smile, or nod in agreement, cause you've been there too!

Source: via Jade on Pinterest

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