Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Photo Dump

Ok, at first I was thinking that maybe it was a bit overkill to post 22 photos of my girls in one post. But then I remembered why I started this was to keep all of my favourite photos and memories of the girls in one place because I am a terrible scrapbooker :) 
So, even if nobody else cares to see an entire photo album in one post, that's ok. These are my favourite photos of the girls from this week.

Side note: We've had such an awesome summer just hanging around close to home :)

Danica thought she could open my mom's patio door :)

Our favourite place this summer...Rotary Lake. The floaties made it even better!

Aw Myka, you're so precious!

Tegan and her friend Macy :)

The kids who stick closest to me get the most photos taken of them! Addison and Tegan are "free spirited" when we go to the Lake :)

But I managed to corner Addison for at least one photo!
That blankie is good for everything!

I love Tegan's quiet spirit. She plays hard, but likes to stop and rest all by herself too. I often wonder what she thinks about :)

We've been staying home lots too...and going through copious amounts of popsicles!

Popsicles on the shaded trampoline are the best!

Chatting with her sisters :)

The lady who lived here before us was an incredible gardener. We have so many pretty perennials around our yard!

Well hello Mr. Pea Pod! Can we eat you soon?

"Cheeeeeese"! Or "Peeeeas"!

She loves smiling for the camera :)

So does she.

Love this girl!

Bathing suits have been their outfit of choice this summer...LOL. Aunty's so goofy!

Danica's favourite place at the park

I just love this photo. She has the most awesome hair I've ever seen :)

The perks of having an aunty who's a swimming teacher...she can teach them how to swim at Rotary!


  1. Adorable pics! Happy kids. You've done well, Mom!

  2. Your kids are adorable! WOW! The last one is my absolute favorite. =) All she needs is a sippy cup & some sunnies & she's good to go!


  3. Hi! :) I found you via the HOP! :) I am in love with your adorable! Your little girls are too precious for words! :) Can't wait to follow along and read more! Happy to be your newest follower :)


  4. cutest summer pics!

    come say hi at

    have a lovely day!

  5. It looks like you're having a great summer! Your girls are ADORABLE! I'm stopping by from the GFC Blog Hop and am now a new follower:) Would love for you to stop by Crazy Mama Drama!

  6. cute photos!! Thanks for linking up at the GFC Blog Hop today!

    Melissa @

  7. Love the photo of the two girls and their Aunt! It seems to capture everyones personality perfectly.

    New follower from GFC blog hop! Hope you'll stop by for a visit :)



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