Friday, September 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday...In Sickness and Health

So here's a little back story about what's been going on in my life lately. On August 18th or so I visited my doctor to ask what I thought was a pretty silly question. I had been seeing weird bright light "auras" in the lower left hand side of my vision and it was getting pretty constant. I also was getting a lot more headaches than usual. Like I thought, he didn't see anything worth noting, but sent me to the optometrist anyways.
After 3 weeks of many many many tests, I went into the specialist yesterday to get my diagnosis.
I have a condition called Idiopathic Intercranial Hypertension. I'm not sure I understand it all yet, but I think it means that I have a bunch of extra brain fluid, and therefore, lots of pressure on my head.
The word "idiopathic" in the name means that they are not sure what causes this condition...although I get an MRI next Friday night to rule out a blood clot.
For now, I am on a drug that helps decrease the fluid in my brain and spinal column, and under close watch by the specialist in GP. He said that because we caught it early it should be ok and not cause long lasting problems, but if I hadn't gone in when I did, it could have been bad. Phew!

So this week, I'm thankful to everyone who has helped me get a fast diagnosis!

1. My doctor, Dr. Neveling for sending me to the the optometrist right away

2. The Optometrist for seeing what is wrong and taking action right away

3. The fact that all of my appointments were made very quickly. It helped knowing that I would have answers quickly!

4. The Opthamologist in Grande Prairie for treating me so quickly.

5. Dr. Roberts (the Opthamologist in GP) for taking the time to explain the condition to me

6. Even though I prefer not to take medication normally, I'm thankful that this medication is readily available, and regularly used for this condition

7. I'm thankful that there is a surgical option if for some reason my body doesn't respond to the medication

8. I'm thankful that the condition is treatable, and that I should be ok to continue to raise my family :)

9. For my friends and family that have been SO incredibly supportive through everything!! Seriously, I have amazing people in my life!

10. To Daniel for helping so much with the girls while I went in for tests, and for driving to GP last Monday so that I didn't have to drive home after my spinal tap. I love you Daniel!!!

I'm not adding a link up this week...I've just been too crazy to do a lot of extra stuff, sorry! I still would love to read your TT posts if you leave the link in the comments though :)


  1. Wow! So glad they figured it out and things are getting done! Hugs.

  2. Wow, Jade. This is pretty crazy. Joining you in thankfulness for all of these things!


Your comments make me smile :)


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