Friday, October 21, 2011

The "Evil Eye"

I think I've perfected it.

If you are a regular reader, you know that Myka, is quite prone to temper tantrums.

Tonight after I put the girls to bed, she got up (for the fifth time), and asked for a drink. As I handed her the glass of water, she started to lose it. "I want JUICE!!!" She cried.

"No juice Myka. It's bedtime, and you can only have water."

As she started to lose it, I stood firm and calmly, with a stern look on my face.

The scream started to escalate.

I intensified the evil eye.

She quieted down, mumbled, "I have water." and walked to her bedroom.


I know...looking at this picture makes you want to comment "but Jade, she looks so sweet! I could never imagine her throwing a temper tantrum!"
To which I would say, "HaHa."


  1. My kids are grown and they still recognize "the look". My three year old granddaughter is beginning to recognize it too. She knows her mom's but ignores it about half the time, lol!

  2. That's fantastic, Jade! Hopefully this tactic will not lose any power and just maybe you'll have curbed those tantrums right out of the house!

  3. There always seem to be tantrums behind those sweet faces! Stand firm!!

  4. Congrats on getting your "evil eye look" down pat!!

  5. I have to start working on this, immediately. :)


Your comments make me smile :)


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