Wednesday, October 19, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day Five

5 Things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex

1. Body odor is not the eau de jour
2. I never thought I'd say "dirty socks left on the living room floor", but once you've had to clean up a few, you think it
3. When I hear guys trying to pick up a girl with extremely crude comments
4. I know a lot of men that have cheated on good women...many of them recently. That's pretty irritating.
5. Small Man Syndrome. Am I the only one who knows what that is? LOL

1. When they get mad at their husbands for not being able to guess what they are "really" saying. Just say it.
2. When they speak badly about their husbands in public
3. When they talk about men being "stupid". If we heard a man say his wife was stupid, he would never live it down!
4. Honestly, women who are too "feminist". I don't see why it's SO necessary that we as a group feel the need to be "able to do everything" a man does. Obviously I don't feel this way about everything, but I believe in limits.
5. Gossip. I struggle with it too, and am making an effort to stop...I have seen a few times too many how harmful it can be!

Source: None via Vanessa on Pinterest


  1. Hehe, I laughed at a few of those. When you say "small man syndrome", is that the same as the "Napoleon Complex"? (

    If so, I know a few of those - I've had to deal with some in my line of work... They often know how to cause a great deal of unnecessary trouble...


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