Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Ways to Survive a Roadtrip with a Toddler

I've been packing up the minivan a lot this summer!

Today I returned home from a trip to my inlaws' house, about 9 hours away. Because of the way Daniel's work goes, we usually end up doing the drive separate, so I am almost always alone with the kids.

Today, I had only the two youngest since Addison and Tegan stayed at their Grandparents' house.

By the way, today I learned that I really like having the two older girls there to help...they are a huge help with entertaining their sisters and I really noticed it when they weren't there.

Anyway, over the course of many many trips down South, I have had to get creative as to how I entertain the toddler...whomever it may be at the time. Right now, it's Myka, so this list is just a few of the tricks I've learned to surviving a roadtrip with her!

A couple quick tips before I start:

*As awesome of a snack as fruit is, I try to keep most of it out of the van while we're travelling. Especially bananas...they are so messy and smelly! Cut up apples are good though. Other good "travelling snacks" are things that are easily picked up or vacuumed up, such as crackers, cheesestrings, granola bars, etc. And only water in the sippys!

*I have had to let go of the thought that I'm going to keep my ban neat throughout the entire trip. Instead, I plan an hour on each end of the trip for cleaning the van. Knowing I have that plan helps me not freak out when a cracker gets stepped on!

And now, how to keep a busy 2 year old the best of my knowledge :)

1. Hand her a baby wipe and tell her to wash her shoes. She loves it, and it buys me at least 15 minutes usually

2. Have a "silly" conversation. Don't know what that is? Here's an example!

Myka: Danica's silly mom!

Me: I think Myka's silly!

Myka: No, Danica's silly!

*Repeat until she gets bored. Again and again and again :)

3. Sing The Potty Dance until it makes you have to stop and use the potty.

4. Cheesestrings are a great snack that keep her occupied for awhile as well! Win win!

5. Cheap Chapsticks...a little messy, but that just means she has something else to clean with the baby wipe later, and this one keeps her busy for a long time!

6. NAPS. Oh sweet silence.

7. Crank the music...they only try to "outnoise" it for so long :p

8. Take lots of breaks. On an 8 hour trip, I take about 3 small breaks to feed Danica and let Myka run around. I also make sure we get out to eat meals, instead of driving through. It really makes for less cranky kids near the end of the trip!

9. Books. The only downfall is that they fall off her lap so easily that they don't keep her entertained for very long

10. Ask her to make the baby laugh! Works every time, and it makes me smile :)


  1. The backseat of our car is always disgusting from my two boys snacks, I agree bananas are the worst :) New follower from the wild weekend hop, have a great day! You can find me at

  2. Those are some awesome tips! I keep an arsenal of graham crackers in the car at all times. Since Little Bit is a boy I can pull out Thomas as a sure fire distraction. Another thing that he loves is to roll the windows down but that one will be no good in a few more months. We rock out to his favorite tunes which include "I Love Bugs" by Yo Gabba Gabba star Muno ;D You get creative don't you. Adapt and overcome, muhaw!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog following u back

  4. Thanks for the tips! I never thought of the chapstick one. I may have to buy some. Love the cleaning the shoes too!

    I am a new follower from the Lots of Lovin' Hop. Would love a follow back at


  5. Hi! Found you via "Busy Moms on Etsy" Team & stopping by to show some blogfollow love! :) I hope you can stop by my blog: & follow too! I love networking with fellow creative moms! :)

    Have a great day!
    Des, Mano y Metal.


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