Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday...Is it Summer Yet?

Aaah, summer. It barely came, and now it's almost gone. There is still much to be thankful for in a short summer though, so here's my list for today!

1. The slightly cooler weather this year. Don't punch me in the face for saying this until you have tried carting around a 20 pound 6 month old and a 2 year old at the same time. Sheesh. Bottom line: the cool breezes have been welcome :)

2. Picking raspberries

3. Eating raspberries

4. My tomato plants. After 3 failed years of trying to grow "regular sized" tomatoes, I bought two tumbler plants this summer and have eaten fresh tomatoes since the beginning of July!

5. Our new lawn mower

6. Sun tea

7. The farmer's market...those of us with great intentions, but no green thumb really appreciate it.

8. My laying hens. Yay for fresh eggs!

9. Watermelon :)

10. The smell of fresh cut grass

11. Wildflowers...especially when they are handed to me by three beautiful little girls!

12. The fact that the sun stays up so late in the summer

13. S'mores!

14. Daniel and I both have great parents that spend so much time with the girls in the summer...I am so thankful for such loving, caring grandparents for our girls!

15. To be able to visit friends...:)

16. Afternoon naps in the sun

17. Bbq food! Yum!

18. Watching friends get married

19. That my skin takes alot to actually burn, which I'm very thankful for because I tend not to pay attention to MY skin when I'm taking care of the girls outside

20. Watching the sunset on the trampoline with Daniel :)


  1. Great list. I know...seems the summer came and went too quickly this year, huh. Love that idea...watching the sunset on the trampoline. A great, comfortable seems like it would be. Blessings ~ jen

  2. That is a great list. I am glad your tomatoes did well this year. My tomatoes have been a little sparse.
    New follower form the Wild Weekend hop. Hope you stop by for a visit.


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