Friday, April 01, 2011

Something Funny, Something Scary

Today was memorable for many reasons...I saw my brother and sister in law for the last time before they move 11 hours away (sniff), I ran into an old friend randomly in the GP mall, and my girls...well, they were themselves :)

The scary: We got home from GP, unpacked all the groceries, and Myka wanted a snack from the fridge. I said no, and told her to shut the door. She dropped to her knees and did that thing where they inhale really deeply, then take a few seconds to actually let it out into a blood curdling cry. Well, I turned my head and instead of hearing a cry, I heard a thump. I looked down, and she was just starting to cry softly...and her lips were purple! I'm pretty sure she passed out...eeeek! I've heard it's really common, but it is a bit of a shock when it's your own child!

The funny: Addison and Tegan came in from feeding the chickens with a moose shed in their hands. Very seriously, Addison said, "mom look what we found! The dogs. killed. a. moose."

I'm pretty sure my eyebrows rose off my head as I tried so hard not to laugh while I explained that moose lose their antlers once a year, and the dogs had just found it and brought it home to chew on.



  1. i didn't know that moose lost their antlers... :/ i would have been in shock!! and yikes! i didn't know that kids could make themselves pass out by crying like that!!! oh my gosh!! was the thump her passing out?! YIKES!!!! who did you run into at the mall??? prbi people? :)

  2. yeah! I ran into Greg Weibe and Todd Strimbold (sp?)...I saw Ryan from a distance, but didn't say hi to him. They were in GP for Justin's wedding (I forget his last name).

    And yes, the thump was her passing out. She was kneeling, then just fell over on the kitchen floor. I freaked out a little bit...until she started crying again.

  3. How cool about the moose antlers, will you send them to me????
    and scary to see your child passing out!!!


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