Thursday, August 02, 2012

Thankful Thursday....Thankful For Each Other

This week was a little bit hard, I'm not gonna lie. My eyes have been opened to some things about me that are hard to see...isn't that the way it always goes? It's so hard to learn things about yourself when they are not "sunshiny" characteristics!!
Let's just say....I have lots of room to grow in pretty much every area of my life. Except parking...I'm pretty good at parking my van :) Just kidding.

Anyways, as rough as this week was personally, it was an amazing, jam-packed week of seeing friends!

So, this week I am thankful:

1. That I got to see Teresa!! It's always one of my favourite times :D

2. That Adrienne texted me and we got to hang out twice while I was in Calgary! I haven't seen her since Bible school, and it was so nice :)

3. Getting to go to Ikea with my brother, his beautiful wife, and their two adorable boys!


4. Eating lunch for $12 at Ikea :) That was for three whole meals!

5. Getting to shop with Angela

6. Getting to go to the zoo with Angela and SIX kids. Just the two of us. At the zoo. With six of them. It was crazy, and we survived...and I'm thankful :)

7. That we made it to Calgary and back safely...and with my sanity still in tact.

8. Family BBQ's

9. Being able to have lunch with my good friend Lindsay today. We have been trying to get together for months, and today it finally worked...and it was even Kid-Free (except for Danica, but still, there could have been 6 more!)

10. That people are willing to offer me forgiveness. I need it a lot!

11. That after 9 years, I can finally say that I have a successful vegetable garden...tomatoes and everything!

12. Costco lasagnes/shepherds pies. They make it so easy to have a nice dinner after I've spent the day buying groceries in GP!

13. A long talk with a friend that I don't talk to very often.

14. Being able to come home from the trip to a clean house...thank you Daniel!!

15. My new checklist's great for people like me who forget EVERYTHING.

16. Getting to have coffee with my sister in law Rachel. We don't talk often, but when I go down there, it's so nice to visit with her! 

17. That my in-laws love spending time with the girls so much...They had so much fun camping with their grandparents this week!

18. That the girls also got to spend time with my mom and sister Dante...she even took them out for their favourite; wonton soup!

19. That our family is altogether at least for a week or two!

20. That the summer is only HALF over!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Thank you for your "Thankful Thursdays." You encouraged me tonight and I so needed it!

    1. You're welcome Fawne! It's such an honour to have you stop by my blog and say that...I feel that way about yours every time I visit!

  2. I missed Thankful Thursday yesterday. In fact, I didn't check my blogs because I knew it was Thankful Thursday and I just didn't want to be reminded to do it, as I had a rough one too. But, you're post this week has reminded me that even in the dark times there is still, at least, 20 things to be thankful off each week. I'm off to do my list and I'll link up soon.


Your comments make me smile :)


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