Monday, July 30, 2012

Something Wonderful

In my most recent post I mentioned friends; the types of friends that are good for your soul. They encourage, inspire, and are a joy to be around.

One of those friends for me is Teresa.

 Teresa and I met in 2001, when we were placed in a teeny tiny bedroom together to be roommates for the year in Bible College. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and the next year, we requested the same arrangement :)
The summer after school, we were each other's maid of honour at our weddings...then we moved 12 hours apart. Over the last 10 years we have had babies, chatted on the phone, and managed to visit each other once or twice a year. 

Sunday was that day :) Neither of us live in Calgary, but for that one night, our paths crossed there! 
We met at Peter's Drive-in (yummy!!!), and picnicked with most of our kids (Addison and Tegan were camping with grandma and grandpa). As a bonus, our friend Adrienne came too! I haven't seen her in years! It was so good to catch up with these girls :D

P.S. It's hard to get kids to pose for group photos!


  1. How fun! I love friends that you can just pick right up where you left off, even after having not seen them for awhile :-)

  2. Awww:) my only complaint is that it was too short...but SO wonderful to see you and the wee girls! Hope the next time is SOON!

  3. I haven't had Peter's drive in for years. I do miss it. Yum!


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