Friday, August 03, 2012

Five Minute Friday

For the first time...I'm doing Five Minute Friday :) Wonder what I'll come up with?

Here's the rules if you join :)
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to Lisa-Jo Baker and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
OK, are you ready? Please give me your best five minutes on:::



It's been a hard week. I've made some mistakes, and I've been called out on a few things that I really need to change in the way I do things. 
Earlier this week, my wise husband said something that stuck with me. He said, "it's really hard to grow and improve unless you realize where you are."
It's true; and I am here. It might sound like I'm just bashing myself...which is not my intent, I promise. I know I have good qualities.
Yet here I am. The mom of four who, after all this time still can't seem to manage my personal finances as I want to. I am still not sure of what my grocery budget should be or what I could stick to for one...even thought I've been buying groceries for our family for years. 
I also have a looong way to go when it comes to organizing. I would love to be able to find something, or at least know where it is when I'm asked for it. 
I also would love to be able to manage my time better. I have a home, a business, and a family that all need attention. I know I can't be perfect, but I have lots of room to improve!
To start, I need to spend some time with my heavenly Father.

Done. That seemed depressing, but there it is. Here I am. 


  1. Wow, Jade! That was awesome. It didn't seem that depressing to me, but maybe because I can relate to your qualms so well and that gives me hope? Anyway, you are not alone, my friend!

  2. Good first 5 minute Friday post! It's harder than it sounds, I always think. And I can relate. Looking back on my week it's always hard not to focus on what could have been done better.


Your comments make me smile :)


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