Saturday, August 04, 2012

Simple Things Sunday

It's the simple things...
Here's some of my favourite moments this week:

From left to right, top to bottom
1. The girls buying a jug of milk all by themselves...they were so proud.
2. Sleepy Danica at 8:30am yesterday morning :)
3. Happy Danica...we had a mommy daughter date to Grande Prairie and had so much fun!
4. Me...happy after running 5.5km. I ran 6 tonight too! I'm so proud, but still getting nervous for the race next weekend!
5. The girls, so happy after not seeing each other for a few days!
6. Myka and Danica playing in a tent at Ikea. They could have stayed for hours!
7. Myka hugging her cousin Willie goodbye
8. Myka and her cousin Brock going for a cruise in the jeep...around the front yard! LOL
9. Addison getting close to a penguin...they were so fun to watch!
10. Blast from the past....I went to work on the house and forgot to put my hair up, so I went old school with a pen bun! Did you do that in high school?
11. A sweet shot of Myka at Grandma's house
12. Addison in her pretty sundress
13. Danica and I when we went out for lunch with Aunty Angela
14. Sweet, sweet Tegan...I love that smile!

It's these little moments of joy that make for a beautiful life!

I'm linking up here :)


  1. My favorite is your girls with the milk jug. How cute are they? So proud of themselves. LOVE it! It looks like you had a full and happy week. That makes me so happy!

  2. These are so cute! I host a weekly blog hop called the Thursday Mommy-Brain Mixer, and I would LOVE for you to come link up! The Mixer will be live at 12:01 a.m. EST tonight! :) Hope to see you there, friend!


Your comments make me smile :)


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