Thursday, June 07, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Source: via Jade on Pinterest

I hope everyone had a great week! Here's what I'm thankful for this week:

1. The great visit we had with my in laws while they were up this week.

2. That I have been able to enjoy sushi at the new sushi restaurant not once, but TWICE this week!

3. That my sister in law brought me 36 kick butt songs to run too! It made the 45 minutes fly by tonight!

4. The rain...although it seems a little excessive, it has caused all of my vegetables to sprout!

5. All of my new tomato plants! If they do well, I will have more tomatoes than I can ever use!

6. Tacos!

7. That Daniel made it home safely from his trip

8. That the rain stopped long enough for soccer tonight...It was beautiful at the field!

9. app ever!

10. When Myka and Danica get along :)

11. "The Sleep Book" by Dr. Seuss. I have such great memories of it as a child, and now it's just awesome getting to read it to my girls!

12. That Dakota has come to live with us for awhile...I see lots of date nights with Daniel possible in the near future!!

13. That Daniel's parents spent so much time with the girls while they were's so special!

14. The grace God extends to us

15. The beautiful, beautiful green trees!

16. Being able to catch up on LLB orders this week.

17. That Myka has been putting herself down for naps when she needs them :)

18. The new brownie recipe I found....well, thankful AND a tad regretful LOL

19. Getting to see my world travelling mom this week...AND my grandma! I love spending time with those two ladies!

20. The grape candle from Gold Canyon that makes my house smell so lovely!

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