Sunday, June 24, 2012

Is Anyone Out There? Happy Sunday

Wow, did I fall off the blogging wagon or WHAT?
Last Friday, Daniel and I took off on a VERY last minute trip to Mexico, yay! The internet was slow at best there, so I decided to put blogging on the back burner until we got back, which was 3 days ago now. It's tougher than I thought to get back into the swing of things!!
So, now I realize that I have missed one Thankful Thursday, and many photo a days! I think I'll just pick up where I left off :D

I'll get to my photo a day tonight, but for now, this is something I've been thinking about often lately.

A big reason that it has taken me three full days to blog again since being home is that I feel....bad I guess? You know that feeling of "I haven't done it in so long now that there's too much to catch up on?" I don't know if anyone else feels that way about things, but I do sometimes. Laundry is another one...hence "Mount Laundry" that tends to pile just seems hopeless.
But on a slightly deeper note, my relationship with God is another area where I feel that. If I haven't been as consistent as I would like to be in spending time with him, or if I have done more than a few things that I'm not proud of.
God is so powerful and great, sometimes it's hard to remember that the reason He created us in the first place was to have a relationship with us; to love us and have us love him. Like our best friend, He wants to curl up on a comfy couch with me and a cup of tea and hear about my day, about my joys and my struggles, about my disappointments. He wants to laugh with me, cry with me, hug me. He wants to tell me about himself as well!
I think it must be similar to how I feel about my children (which is maybe why God created families the way he did :)). I have nurtured and taken care of each daughter since day one...doing everything I can to give them the best life I possible can. I feed them, clean them when they are dirty, comfort them when they are sad or hurt, provide things to help them education, books, activities, toys. I hug them and tell them I love them often, and I discipline them and correct them to teach them what is right and wrong.
I do these things because I love them, yes. In that, I also hope that as they grow up and become more independent, that they will continue to desire a relationship with me. Just like I could call my mom and chat with her everyday, I hope my girls feel similar when they are grown.
And I suspect God feels the same about us, his children :)

Have a great sunday!


Your comments make me smile :)


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