Friday, June 15, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 14....Someone you love

There are many people in my life that I could have written this post about! Between my husband, children, family, and fabulous friends, I am a very blessed lady :)
I chose to write it to my seems fitting because he is "my love", and also Father's Day is right around the corner.

I couldn't have asked for a better father for our children. If I was to compare him to all the other fathers that I know, he would come out on top in my eyes every time. I may be biased, but he's really that wonderful.
I love how his eyes light up when he sees our girls. He especially loves it when they go running to him shouting "daddy!" when he gets home from work.
I love that even with a busy work schedule, he makes time for them; From little things like playing outside with them, to big things like taking THREE of them on a movie date in Grande Prairie!
I love that he takes them to soccer whenever he can. Not only that, but he made sure that they had all of the proper gear, and bought them a ball each to practice on...and they love all of it!
I love that he has never once lost his temper or even yelled at the girls (I wish I could say the same for me :(). He always disciplines them very calmly and fairly....and it's always effective. I am often in awe of how he does it! In the past, I have noticed how a few dads (strangers) treat their children, and I remember being grateful right there that my husband never belittles, yells at, threatens, or smacks our children. Our girls have much respect for their dad :)
I love that he calls me at least once a month and asks me to see if the babysitter will come over so we can go out for dinner! It always makes me feel special, and usually puts me in a great mood for the next day...which equals being a better mom :)

This photo was snapped a few days ago. Daniel took Myka to town all by herself for a daddy date! He took her for ice cream, then they went and bought this tent so our family could go camping this summer and all fit in one tent :)
When they got home, they set it up, gathered the blankets, and settled down for a campout. Myka fell asleep only minutes after the picture was taken. Daniel however, gave up on sleep after an hour and carried her to her bed inside the house! 

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