Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 13, Reminds You of Your Childhood

Ok, the reason for the tacos is two fold. One, Daniel and I booked a trip to Mexico today, and we leave this weekend! I love being spontaneous like that...especially when it includes sun and zero children! LOL
The second reason is: as strange as it may be for tacos to remind me of my childhood, they totally do. 
When we were young, it was our favourite meal. When my mom would make them, my brother and I had "taco eating" contests. I am embarrassed at how many I ate, but it may have been close to a dozen. I have no idea how I fit that much food in my body! LOL
One of our "rules" was that they had to be hard shelled. To this day, I can't bring myself to eat a soft shelled taco! Fajitas, yes, but the tacos need to be crunchy :)

So, now that I'm grown up and have restricted myself to a socially acceptable amount of tacos at a meal, the age old question arises: How to you construct the perfect taco?

I would love to hear your idea of the perfect taco, and here's mine!

Start with a hard shell...the stand n stuff are awesome!
Then, layer these in order:
-refried beans
-black beans
-hot taco meat
-a couple small dollops of sour cream
-banana peppers (I just tried these for the first time tonight...where have they BEEN all my life?!)

What's your favourite taco?


  1. I love tacos!! When I was a kid burritos and tacos were my favorite too. My sister and I always put ketchup on ours!! Sounds gross to me now!

  2. Tacos are my absolute favorite food! For real... my hubs makes fun of me for looking at a menu because if they have tacos there, that's what I will order! :) Stopping by from your link on Mom2MemphisAndRuby!


Your comments make me smile :)


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