Sunday, June 24, 2012

Days 23 and 24...Love&Black and White

I am just in LOVE with both of these photos, because to me, they portray the epitome of love. Also, looking at them makes my heart smile.

With this first one, you would never know how the photo shoot was going in real life time just by looking at it. Earlier today I made the tower of flowers that you see behind the girls, and I wanted to get a picture of all of them in front of it. 
So I stood by it and called them over. Everyone came running, except Myka. She started whining. We all kept calling her and trying to make her smile...Addison even went over and tried carrying her over, only to have her go all "wet noodle" LOL. Finally, I just started snapping pics with the other three. Myka saw how much fun it was and ran over, being really goofy. This is actually the only photo where you can even see her face!! She was just running into the girls with her face hidden, being silly for most of it.

To me, these girls are love. The dress tucked into the diaper, the mud on Myka's face, and the slight drama that went along with getting the "perfect" shot just add that much more dimension to the love that we all share :) Daniel and I are amazingly blessed to have these girls...and when they are hugging each other, playing together, and being nice to each other, it warms my heart even more!

Ok, now I have to run because I hear more drama starting up!


  1. You really have talent with a camera. I'm lucky to get a shot that doesn't chop off at least one kid's head. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you! My camera is my iPhone...its's the best camera I've ever had :)

  2. My name is Jade, too! :)

    New follower!

  3. Hi!
    I see you're also doing the 30 day photography challenge. It's so much fun!
    I started it too, although mine is a little different.
    I love doing it :) hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Your comments make me smile :)


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