Friday, May 25, 2012

My Favourite Things....A Giveaway!

I only like to give away things on my blog that I LOVE and use for myself or my family. That being said, this is my third Mommy Necklace giveaway...what does that tell you?

These necklaces are truly amazing. They are stylish, durable, versatile, and just plain wonderful. They were created by a mama who was looking for a way to keep her baby distracted while they nursed, and totally live up to that goal. Plus, they are grab to use even after you are done nursing, since they are so stylish and go with almost any outfit!

Here's a photo of me wearing one that I already own to show you the style of necklace that I'm giving away. This is the pink one, and I'm also giving a blue one to a lucky winner!

Mommy Necklaces has recently re-vamped the business a little bit. They have new styles of necklaces, a new type of cording inside them, and a new clasp. So if you win one of these and then order one of the site and they are different, that's why :) 

Here's a peek at the goods :D
***Now, here's the catch of the giveaway. I will link to their  website so that you can find them easier, but don't write on their FB wall that I sent you...that is NOT a mandatory entry for the contest. The reason for that is...I purchased these necklaces with my own pocket cash and am giving them away just because I love them...and YOU! So because the contest isn't endorsed by them specifically, I don't want to flood their wall with a bunch of stuff. Clear as mud? LOL

Ok, here's how you DO enter!

There will be TWO winners to the contest, so you have an even better chance at winning!

Leave a comment for EACH entry...more chances to win! Five possible entries total :)

1. Follow my blog. If you already follow, just leave a comment saying so!
2. Follow Little Lily Bamboo on FB
3. Tweet about the giveaway
4. Share the giveaway on FB
5. Blog about the giveaway

**Contest will end on May 30th.

Good Luck!


  1. I followed your blog. :)

  2. I followed you on FB. :)

  3. Hi Jade!
    *I follow your blog
    * and follow on fb
    * and I'm sharing it!

    YA! I love these necklaces!!!! what are the chances I'll win again?! hehee.. :)

  4. i follow you and follow you on fb and i'm sharing it on fb :P

  5. That was Amy above not Benjamin LOL.... I promise He would't wear a Mommy necklace :)

  6. already following ur blog ;) melissa.F

  7. Follow Blog, follow FB, Tweeting NOW, and I would blog about it, but I don't have a blog! Does living in Australia count as an extra entry though!?? Love you sis!

  8. I got around to blogging about it as well! Woo Hoo!


Your comments make me smile :)


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