Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

What a great day!! The sun is shining again after a few days of cold and rain! Also, I kicked my own butt this morning and got a bunch of cleaning house feels so fresh and clean now, and I love that!

This week I'm thankful for:

1. The rain
2. That I got my garden planted right before it rained!
3. Both younger girls are sleeping right now!
4. That God provides work for Daniel :)
5. The MyFitnessPal app on my phone!
6. The great visit we had with the in laws last weekend...and the fact that they are coming back this weekend!
7. Rold Gold chocolate covered pretzels..or as I like to call them, tiny morsels of sanity.
8. My new blog design, and Michelle, the lady that made it all happen!
9. The sunshine today!
10. My friend Lindsay who started cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes for my green house! Now to see if I can keep them alive!
11. The times that I get to sit and chat with Tegan...the days that I take her to soccer are good for this. She's just such a sweet child, I love her so much!
12. Girl's night out tonight! I am so thankful to be able to "recharge" with a friend sometimes.
13. Precious Danica, and the random kisses that she gives me :)
14. My's going to get lots of use soon!
15. That things have gone smoothly while Daniel has been working night shifts..."single mommying" four girls is not easy when you have soccer and things! But it's been going well :)
16. My new hair bow holder from Jessica! It will get lots of use around here!
17. That our family has stayed healthy lately..I know there are illnesses going around, and I'm thankful for each day that we are well!
18. Watermelon!!!!
19. I know i've said it before, but I love my little green steam cleaner. I am so thankful to be able to clean pee messes or whatever else may happen. Every mom should have one!
20. Fresh flowers!

If you are linking up today, here's a button for you to grab!
What are YOU thankful for this week?


  1. awwww I made it into your thankful thursday!!! :) YAY!

    1. of course you did! My hair clips are SO much more organized now thanks to you :D


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