Friday, October 20, 2006

Friends Visit the Ranch

Okay , this took forever to blog...I'm reall sorry, but it's just because I was trying to install picasa FOREVER so I could put lots of pics on...but it didn't work, so this is what I got.
At the beginning of October, Teresa and her daughter Brook came to visit our house, and to make things even better, Amber and her son Oakley came out! It was an awesome day of playing, memories, oogling babies and catching up. THANKS SO MUCH guys!!!! It was unforgettable


  1. Those are some great pictures - I love being updated on your life! Hopefully Addison keeps on enjoying doing housework but your right, the odds aren't good for when she's in the teenage years:) Love you!

  2. Hey Jade... i'm so glad i found your blog! it's awesome to see what everyone's up to after PRBI ... 2 kids! you're on a roll:)

  3. was it ever a blast!!!
    looking forward to our next adventure together!!!

  4. your pic of the 2 of us turned out WAY better than mine- you'll have to e-mail it to me
    have a great day!

  5. Jade,
    I have not talked to you since thanksgiving, and that is sad. I got the fourth book in the Firstborn series, by Karen Kingsbury, and it was so good. Then in the back it had the beginning of the fifth book, and it was only like 1.5 chapters long... ANyhow, that is not my point. My point is the fifth book is going to make us cry, it is so sad, after only that much. I shed a tear already. So we know we are in deep trouble. ANyhow, how are things up there? I heard you got a lot of snow. I saw daniel briefly when he was down here. Anyhow, I hope you guys are coming down for Christmas or something. Let me know when would be a good time for Justin and I to maybe come up and visit!! God bless



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