Thursday, July 02, 2009

My Beloved

I found this letter on the internet. It's promises that God gives in scripture put into a letter form to have them all in one place. I thought it was a cool reminder!

My Beloved,

You worry so. Fear not. I am always with you. I will not abandon you.
I promise to never leave you nor forsake you. I have known you always. I've watched you with love since before you were born until now. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I've always loved you and have been there for you but you have not always noticed or understood. You don't have to hide your mistakes from me. I am intimately aquainted with all your strengths and weaknesses. Thre is nothing to be ashamed of before me, for you are my beloved. I extend to you all the forgiveness that you are willing to receive from me. I in you the perfection you cannot see in yourself as yet. People and circumstances have told you that you are far from perfection and they have broken your heart many times over.
I am saying to you that I am here to offer my comfrot and to help you with the healing of your broken heart. Again, I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you. I will stand with you even in times of trouble.

Again, I will say in my eyes you are perfect. You are loved and cherished by me. When I say I love you I am not speaking empty words void of life. Have I not sacrificed all that is precious to me for your sake? Have I not suffered untold sufferings for you? I hold you so precious and caluable that I have given up my life for your good. You are of great worth to me. I offer you life drawn out of my own. With all this do you still day I am not worthy of your trust? My beloved, if only you would believe.

I only intend good towards you. I would protect you from all that is evil. Even in all your comings and goings I would have it that you would be under my protection. I confess that I am jealous of your affections toward anyone or anything that would do less for you because I love you so. I long always to be your love above all loves. If this were so, I would gladly give you all you could ask for and more than you could imagine. I ask you to release all your struggles to me that I may give you rest. Don't worry or be so anxious. Love me and have faith in me, then I will be free to take your burdens. They you would rejoice for your load would be light and easy. As I must close this letter, beloved, I ask that you would cast all your cares upon me for I truly care for you. Life will always have difficulties and hardships, none can escape that, but together we can get through it with love, peace and joy. Even now, before all creation, I offer you my everlasting love.

I am yours my beloved,

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