Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh, the Weight of it all!

I blame the heat. Heat and water retention...they can make you gain lots of pregnancy weight, right? Up until now, I've kept it pretty under control, gaining only a pound or two a week. Then today, I step on the scales and watch the eyebrows of the nurse raise higher and higher. "Looks like you've reached a milestone!" she says, then keeps inching the thingy higher. The milestone was 200 pounds, by the way. The thingy finally stops at 204!!!! That's SIX pounds in one week. I couldn't have possibly eaten that much food! That's why I blame the heat :)
Some of it could have been the fact that I had just eaten lunch too...and it wasn't a small lunch. That's a whole other story in itself...I was at Rotary Lake with Brandi, Heather, and Laura, and we ate the lunches that we had packed. No problem. But THEN, this teenager comes over and offers us the rest of their Panago pepperoni pizza that they didn't finish! We had been drooling over it anyway while we ate our PBJ, so we took it :) So, in a nutshell, I blame heat, water retention and the teenager. There. I feel better.

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