Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tegan's Baby

Practicing for her baby, holding little Sage Leask :)

Lately, Tegan is more and more sure that there is a baby in her tummy...and it's frustrating her big sister, who "gets" that baby's only grow in mommy's tummies!
The conversations are pretty cute though:
Tegan: "oooh, my baby is kicking!"

Addison: "No, Tegan, you don't have a baby in your tummy. Just mommy does!"

Tegan: "Yes, my baby's kicking!"

Addison: "No Tegan, you will only have a baby in your tummy when you are a mommy! Mom, I'm trying to explain to Tegan that there is no baby in her tummy, but she won't listen!"

Me: "It's ok Addison, she's just pretending."

Teg's pretty cute with it though...she even has Dr. Gorton wrapped around her finger!! LOL At each of my appointments, she insists on laying on the bed and getting her "baby" checked my the doctor...she even gets the doppler used on her!! And if I take too long on the exam table, she lets me know when my turn is up!


  1. that's awesome! i wonder what will happen with tegan's baby once mommy's baby is out of her tummy:)

  2. We were wondering the same thing yesterday!! LOL

  3. We were wondering the same thing yesterday!! LOL


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