Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Five Weeks to Go

I will be putting pictures up in a day or two, I promise :) But for now, I just need to write! LOL
I have just over 5 weeks left until we meet our new little girl, and for some reason, the baby blues seem to be setting in already! Weird, I know...I think I'm just looking at this last month as really bittersweet.
I am so excited to meet our baby, and for that reason, this month can't go fast enough! LOL And also, once I have her, all the creaks and soreness of pregnancy will be gone...and I'll be able to bend down to pick stuff up normally again! Turning over at night won't be quite as much of a challenge...right now it's something I have to wake up for, mentally prepare for, then slowly do it! LOL It's normally a few minute procedure!
On the other side of it, I feel really really bonded to this little baby inside of me. Through all the surprises and challenges of the last year, God has used this little girl to bless and encourage me alot. Feeling her little movements (or BIG movements!) always reminds me of the wonder of God, and how he's creating her a little more perfect every day, right inside of me!
We have had great opportunities to use that exact thing to teach our girls about God. I show them pictures on the internet of how the baby is growing, and show the girls the verses in the Bible that talk about how God perfectly forms each baby. They love watching my tummy grow...and Addison has started regularly talking to her, and kissing her :) I really enjoy that, and am trying to enjoy each movement, and each hiccup, and each moment that we spend with God because of it. I know that there will be even more opportunity to teach about God and to watch her grow once she's out, but I will miss this time.
Also right now, the baby is easy to pack around!! LOL and in just over a month, I'll be joining the "3 kids in the back of a small car" club!
So, as we go through June, I am going to try to enjoy each and every minute I have with two semi-independant children, and being able to give them all my attention!
I will try to enjoy each and every movement that I get to share with the tiny person growing inside of me...the closeness that we share now :)
And I will try my best to not let my hormones get the best of me! LOL
Happy June everyone, I hope it's an amazing month for you...full of sun and fun!


  1. enjoy all the sweet movements of baby and time with your 2 older girls this month jade! what a precious time- lots to look forward to yet lots to enjoy right now...i'm sure you're looking forward to more comfortable sleep to come!!! and of course joining the 3 kid in a car club, there's not many of us so we've got to stick together!!!
    love ya!

  2. jade, i love reading your blog because they're always so encouraging!! enjoy the last 5 weeks... for some reason your "day" countdown made it feel like it was forever away... 5 weeks sounds so close! (although weird to think brennyn--and norah too--will be 8 weeks...) i can't wait to see pictures of your new baby!!


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