Sunday, May 24, 2009

Practicing for baby!

Our beloved kitty ran away a couple months ago. We waited for a few weeks, hoping she would return, but she never did. I'm not a huge pet fan, but I really loved her...she was a sweet cat, and really pretty!
A few weeks ago, Addison really started asking if Dora would ever come back, and we had to tell her the truth...probably not.
But we figured that maybe it would be good to get her a new kitten! So, we got Shimmer. Addison is hooked. She's such a good mommy to Shimmer, and now, the kitty even sleeps well when Addison holds her like a baby!
But there was a problem...Tegan was getting a little jealous. Sooooo, one day, Daniel told Tegan that we would look for a kitty for her too! LOL
We found her in FSJ, and gave Tegan the liberty to name her. After turning down all of our suggestions, she dubbed her "Ms. Kitty"!
They are super cute kitties, and they love to play!
The baby cradle at the top is their favorite toy :) 
Welcome to the family Ms. Kitty and Shimmer!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Addison and Shimmer Look like they are like Peas And Carrots :)


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