Friday, July 17, 2009

From Heaven, with Love.

Well, except for the whole labor But we got to meet our brand new baby daughter, Myka Ester Steckly!
I had been having minor contractions all night Thursday night, but was trying not to get my hopes up. Around 4 am they started coming more regularly though, so I got up and started timing them.
Just before 8, Daniel, Brandi (friend and doula!) and I left for the hospital. I had a nonstress test booked, and if they weren't happy with the results again, they were going to break my water.
When we got there, I was 3 cm dilated and in fairly active labor, so the doctor broke my water.
From that point, the labor lasted 7 hours, with Daniel and Brandi doing an awesome job of coaching me through...I love you guys!
Finally at 2:40 or so, I was ready to push. That's when the delivery room filled right up. That's students, nursing students, nurse, doctor, and my sister! Altogether there were 9 people! I didn't really care at that point though..I just wanted to meet her!
The doctor coached the med student on how to deliver the was her first delivery :) She did an amazing job! They put Myka right on my tummy when she was took a minute for her to cry, but she was perfect! At first I thought she looked like Tegan, but she changed so quick and really developed her own look!
She was 8lb 10oz and 20 inches long. With super long fingers and toes! Within minutes, she started eating like a pro :) I haven't had her weighed since birth, but at the rate she eats, she should be gaining tons! LOL
All throughout my pregnancy, we explained to the girls how the baby was growing, and how God was making every little part of her perfect and growing her a little more each day. Now that she's here, it's amazing to see just how perfect God made her :) She is so super precious and we feel so blessed to have her here!
Welcome to the world baby Myka!


  1. Congratulations Jade! (This is Lisa, SIL of Yvonne btw) 9 people in the delivery room sucks but I'm sorry to say, I do trump you there LOL. I think my husband said it was about 12 people present for Sam's birth. One question. Is it pronounced Meeka or Micah? She is beautiful! Congrats again!

  2. sooo precious! you and daniel definitely make beautiful babies jade! now that i've heard the story i just can't wait to chat more:)

  3. I love hearing labor stories, especially ones that go smoothly. Sounds like you did great!

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