Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My favorite Day this Year!!

Spring is here! I have been dreaming of this day for months, and it finally came!! We roasted hotdogs, drank iced tea, and soaked up the sun! Aaaahh, life was good. I mean, besides the thousand pounds of mud! Poor Addison, Tegan and Kiley weighed 10 pounds more each with the mud on their boots! Ah well, give it a week and they'll be running around in sandals!
Tomorrow I'm going to really celebrate spring by making my first jug of suntea!!
If you want to make some too, but never have, it's super easy...
1. Get a 1 gallon glass jar
2. Fill it with water and add 6 tea bags. Whichever flavor you like, but my fav is green tea!
3. Place it in a sunny place outside
4. Wait 4 or 5 hours
5. Bring it into the house, and add your choice of: 2 scoops of countrytime lemonade, a can of frozen lemonade, half a cup of sugar, or simply a few splashes of lemon juice for flavor
6. Pour over ice and enjoy!
Happy Spring Everyone!

Me and Brandi! On our first of many many warm days spent outside this summer!

Kiley, after she conquered the mud, only a little bit worse for the wear!!
Addison was NOT impressed with the mud! Hehehe
Yay for iced tea!

1 comment:

  1. yay for the arrival of sunny days- now i'm itching to try some tea:)


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