Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Pics! Lots and lots of fun!

This year we spent Easter in two places!! A few days at Grandpa Ron's and Grandma Karen's, then we met my family at Uncle Dillon's and Aunty Jodi's! The girls had so much fun...and got two or three egg hunts in! The only bad part is that daddy wasn't there with us. We miss you daddy! See you soon!
The girls are excited to meet their new cousin...congratulations Dill and Jodi!!!

Tegan loves her uncle!

So, these pics are backwards....but you get the idea! LOL Showing off their eggs!

The freshly decorated eggs!! Mmmm

Getting some help from Grandpa!
They were pros right off the bat! 

Getting ready to dye! Hehehe


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