Monday, March 09, 2009

Sisterly Love!

These two are going to make the best big sisters soon! They are sure practicing up, using their babies, and our friends' real babies!! 
I feel kind of bad though, because they ask almost every day if they can feel the baby kick, and I want to let them, but Big Fat Panda just seems to be a little lazy! No one can feel him/her on the outside yet...I can barely feel the kicks on the inside! I keep promising a week or two, but now I'm 21 and a half weeks, and still nothing! They're going to stop believing me soon! LOL
At least they talk to it though...LOL They always come up and put their hands on my belly and say, "kick baby, kick!!" Aaaah, one day soon, it will listen!
I've scheduled a 3d ultrasound for March 25th....and they are super excited for that because we get a video of it for them to watch any time! And also, then they'll find out if they are getting a sister or a brother! Yay!

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