Monday, March 09, 2009

Kid number 2

Aaaah yes, she's a ham :) The top pic is where I found her a few days ago! Dora, our cat has started sleeping there lately cause it's cozy, so I guess Tegan decided to see what the fuss was about! 
Maybe she felt like she needed a rest, because lately she's sure that she also has a baby in her belly! The other day we were making cookies, and all of the sudden she stopped and lifted her shirt and started moaning. So I asked if she was okay! And she said, "ooooh, the baby...kicking!"
and made a big, dramatic scene out of it! It was awesome
Then, about a week later, she had an eyelash stuck in her eye, and I couldn't get it out, so I took her to the doctor. She jumped right up on the table, laid down and lifted her shirt. When the doctor came in, she said, "check the baby?" So the doctor did..and Tegan was happy! So happy, that she let the doctor get the eyelash out, which I hadn't been able to do! LOL
I realized the other day just how much Tegan has seen me get sick over the last few months. I was brushing my teeth, and she was watching intently...a few times saying, "are you going to be sick, mom?"
Un-baby related, we were eating dinner the other night, and I said, "Tegan, please finish your stew." She pushed it back and said, "no, I can't, sorry mom". It was sooo hard not to laugh!!

1 comment:

  1. glad to see your blog isn't dead jaders! your girls are quite the characters...can't wait to see what #3 is like!


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