Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Wednesday...

There was nothing super special about today, but it was still special because of my girls. Although as I write this, Tegan is laying in bed shouting "mommy" over and over and over...but I'm focusing on the good things :) 
Daniel had to leave for work before the girls woke up, but when they did, they just came and crawled into bed with me to cuddle...I love that!
We were going swimming, so I said that maybe we should get up and have breakfast so we weren't late. I asked what they wanted. Addison said "tuna sandwich" ???? huh. I've never heard that one before, but I just happened to have some tuna prepared in the fridge, so I thought "why not?"
Tegan was in "puppy mode" (lately, about 90% of the time, she's either a puppy or a baby). Today it was puppy, and she crawled over to the kitty dish, bent down with her face, and started munching!! EWWWW! "No, no Tegan, that's for kittys....mommy will get you some puppy food." So I poured her a bowl of honey nut cheerios. She thought it was a great idea and polished it off while her sister was eating tuna with pickles at 8:30 am. 
Before they got dressed they wanted me to read their brand new book that Teresa sent them yesterday (Thanks Tree and Brooklyn and Maryk!!). The book is about a boy whos mom embarasses him in the mall by letting his aunt kiss him with lipstick on...among other things.
They loved it, and after I was done the book, I asked Addison if I could kiss her in the mall when she was a teenager. She thought for a minute, then said, "yes, but not with lipstick!"
I'm just recording that for future reference, by the way...hehehehehehe Maybe I should have got her to sign something :)
So then we had to leave a little earlier than swimming started because of what happened last time we were at the pool.
Let's just say Tegan's bathing suit is well worn, and last time we were there, some moms that I didn't know were snickering at the see-throughedness of her suit (Yup, I just made it up, but it sounds like a good word to me!). It was a little embarassing...for me. She didn't notice thankfully, and probably could have cared less :) But I vowed not to take her swimming again until she got a new bathing suit. That day was today. At 9 in the morning, at walmart. I found a nice, modest one piece for 8 bucks, picked a nice purple color (I sure didn't want to risk the yellow! LOL) and bought it. It is really nice, and she loves it, but it is about thiiiiiis close to being thong-ish in the back. *sigh*. Oh well. 
At dinner, Addison kept interrupting Daniel and I after she had been excused from the table. We asked her to stop interrupting, and this is what we got, "well, here's the point. I would like you to talk to me." So we said, "we would be more than happy to talk to you if you come back to the table and joing the conversation." and SHE said, "yeah, I need to come sit down and have a conversation to calm me down." Oh the logic! I just love her...she adds so much to each day :)
Between her quips, and Tegan being such a good little puppy, I was in such a fun mood, that I wore purple socks :)

1 comment:

  1. I love those days that have nothing specifically special in them but are special because of moments with our kids. Your girls are great - I love reading all the things that come out of Addison's mouth:)


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