Monday, March 09, 2009


I know I have the conversations with Addison blog, but I seem to have enough trouble keeping up this one lately, so I'm posting this here! LOL
Addison is such a wonderful addition to each day lately...she comes up with the craziest things!!
Some days though, I have to remind myself of that! LOL like this past weekend, when the girls and I took a road trip to Prince George...
They were both soooo well behaved, but my goodness! She never stops asking questions!
Some of the highlights were:
-What is a volcano?
-Why did God make volcanos?
-Is that mountain a volcano?
-Where is the waterfall?
-How much longer till the waterfall? (multiply that question by about 34!!)
-Why do boys stand up to pee, and we can't?
-Does Satan use his lake of fire to hurt people?
There were many many many more....I'm amazed at how deep our talks about God get! I didn't think that would happen for at least another year or two! I stop every few sentences to ask her if my answers are still making sense to her. When they don't anymore, she turns her head, and says, "I'm done talking about this now."
While we were at Amy's I did a trade show for the Saturday, so Amy watched the girls for me!! yay! I called to see how they were doing, and Amy said, "Great! Addison let me brush her hair, then I put a clip in and said, "what do you think Addison?" and Addison said, "well, you're not very good at that, maybe I should do it myself."" So she put it in how SHE wanted it!!
What a fun weekend, but now, my brain is sore! LOL

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